IBA IMC 2014
:: IBA >>> Second International Marketing Conference (IBAICM 2014)

IBA is the oldest business school outside North America. It was established in 1955 with initial technical support provided by the world famous Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania; later, the University of Southern California set up various facilities at the Institute and several prominent American professors were assigned to the IBA. The course contents, the curriculum, the pedagogical tools and the assessment and testing methods were developed under the guidance of reputed scholars from these two institutions. IBA has zealously guarded the high standards and academic traditions it had inherited from Wharton and USC while adapting, adjusting and restructuring it self with the passage of time.       

The Institute of Business Administration held its first International Marketing Conference, IBAICM, in 2012. We are very happy to state that the conference was well-received by a large majority of researchers, with representation from Bangladesh, Germany, Great Britain, Korea, Lebanon, Nepal, Pakistan, and the United States of America. After the overwhelming success of IBAICM 2012, The second International Marketing Conference is on 3-4th May, 2014. The conference will bring together global academicians and marketing practitioners to discuss current and upcoming marketing trends that hold great importance to the 21st century marketers. The theme of the conference is "The Changing Paradigms" and it aims to provide a rich blend of theory and practice by providing a platform for the discussion of latest advancement in research and its implications to the marketers.

The marketing field is constantly evolving. With the advent of digital platform and the emergence of borderless world, marketing practices have undergone major changes. It is this dynamic nature of marketing that makes it so challenging and appealing. The second IBA-ICM conference aims to explore the changes happening in the various facets of marketing and the opportunities that present themselves for research and practice.

The IBAICM 2014 will take place in the vibrant city of Karachi at the state-of-the-art IBA Campus. The conference features keynote speakers, plenary sessions and parallel sessions. Our keynote speakers are eminent figures in their areas and hail from industry and renowned educational institutions. The conference provides an opportunity for participants to network with seasoned scholars and practitioners and gain from their experiences and practices.


Panel Discussion


Dean's Message

The Institute of Business Administration, Karachi (IBA) is proud to present the second IBA International Conference on Marketing in Pakistan. This year's conference with its theme 'Changing Marketing Paradigms' is designed to bring together leading business professionals and top academic experts on a single platform to bring the latest academic researches and current industry practices. >>> Read More

Message from Associate Dean
Message from Chairperson
Message from Convener
Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline: Jan 30 2014

Notification of Abstract Acceptance: Feb 15 2014

Final Paper Submission: Feb 25, 2014

Early Bird Registration: March 15, 2014

Registration Deadline: April 15, 2014

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