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Dean's Message

In the challenging context of a constantly changing environment, the conference will help identify the avenues for innovations and determine the key factors and the new players that are likely to influence the Marketing strategies and their implementation. The recent developments in both Marketing theory and Marketing practice make it necessary to formulate a new Marketing paradigm, that will respond to the future needs of the global economy with its attendant cultural variations. Services Marketing as well as Customer Relationship Management require a fresh look in light of the technological developments particularly in the mobile telephony that has spread widely throughout the developing countries. These new trends will have to be supported by forging strategic partnerships, alliances and networks. Business schools have to keep abreast of these changes in order to make their curriculum relevant and responsive to the emerging needs . Faculty members to have to tailor their own research to the questions that will shed light on these issues. I wish to acknowledge the hard work my colleagues are putting in to make IBAICM 2014 a success.

Ishrat Husain - Dean and Director
Email: ihusain@iba.edu.pk
Website: http://ishrathusain.iba.edu.pk


Dr Mohammad Nishat - Associate Dean
The field of marketing is constantly changing; today it's more about building customer relation. In order to understand the constant change and how to make marketing more effective in today's world IBA is proud to hold its second International Conference of Marketing. The marketing techniques and tactics of today are nowhere like the efforts by marketers of even the recent past. Indeed marketing is undergoing a paradigm shift as increased importance is placed on quantitative results. The new paradigm perspective is often related to relationship marketing, customer experience management, or network marketing. This conference will not only provide insight on changing marketing paradigms but will provide a platform where academia and expertise will come together discussing the key issues of the marketing field. The conference aims to provide an opportunity to scholars, faculty and researchers to benefit from international experts.
This year the conference have reputed keynote speakers that will present their views on current marketing situation in Pakistan and internationally and will share their experience in the field. They will explain how media and consumer behavior plays its part in bringing a paradigm shift in marketing and how companies and organizations were effect by the evolution in the field.
The first International Conference in Marketing was held back in 2012; here I would like to acknowledge the hard work done by the Marketing Department of IBA and its faculty members in order to make the conference a success and a source of learning for everyone. I hope this year also IBA ICM is able to create awareness about the marketing practices and how to make it an effective way of communicating with customers both in Pakistan and Internationally.


Dr Huma Amir - Chairperson Marketing
The Institute of Business Administration (IBA) owns the glory of creating a stream of ingenuous and talented marketers for Pakistan. We continue to strive to develop and expand the potential of our academia and with that, as a Department Head, I feel proud to announce the second IBA International Conference on Marketing in Pakistan to be held at the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.
Marketing conferences aim to uncover key strategies, new trends, and sustainable practices. IBAICM 2014 aims to provide the Marketing academia with an opportunity to interact with and learn from the experiential knowledge of professionals, prominent in the field of Marketing and discover ways of applying their education in the practical environment. The conference also offers a chance to learn about some uncovered, latent aspects of Marketing in Pakistan.
IBAICM 2014 will feature keynote speakers, plenary sessions and parallel sessions that will provide a chance for participants to network with the scholars and practitioners to gain a wider and clearer perspective of the changing paradigms within the Marketing field.
I, on behalf of the Marketing Department at IBA, wish all conference participants avail this opportunity to not only enrich their Marketing knowledge but also use the learning in their own specific environments.


Yasmin Zafar - Convener
The 2nd International Marketing Conference IBA ICM 2014 is a continuation of a legacy; IBA ICM 2012 acknowledged the power of the vast field of Marketing in modifying the lives of professionals and added value to the economic prosperity of the country This year the conference is bigger and better. It calls forth global academicians and renowned practitioners of Marketing to discuss about the trending Marketing tactics that are of immense importance to the current Marketers. The conference revolves around the theme "The Changing Paradigms" and it aspires to present a rich combination of practice with theory by means of a discussion platform for the latest progressions in Marketing research and its impacts on the Marketing world.
The field of Marketing is continuously developing. The borderless world of Digital Marketing has altered the face of Marketing in a significant manner. Marketing is challenging as well as alluring due to its dynamic nature and constant evolution. The second IBAICM plans to analyze the trends and developments in the many aspects of Marketing and the various prospects that it provides for the purpose of both research as well as practice.
IBA has been a pioneer in a number of fields and with IBAICM 2014;it aims to continue its traditions of combining practice and research. As convener of the IBA ICM 2014, I wish the organizing team good luck for all their hard work and hope that this conference is even better than the previous one.





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