Research Publication Faculty Achievements

Faculty Achievement

Hamid Hussain, PhD Scholar, Department of Economics, has authored a paper titled, "The determinants and interrelationship of carbon emissions and economic growth in African economies: Fresh insights from static and dynamic models" in Public Affairs journal which can be viewed at:


This study explores the interrelationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth in selected Africa economies from 1990 to 2014, providing evidence from both static and dynamic models. Results show that increases in energy use have a significant and positive effect on economic growth; which goes to show that growth in Africa is actually energy dependent. Further findings suggest that CO2 emissions have no significant contemporaneous effect, however, a significant and negative effect at a one‐period lag on economic growth. The significance of the impacts is consistently confirmed by both the static and dynamic estimations. Also, trade adds to economic growth and also contributes to environmental deterioration in Africa. There is a dire need for Africa to adjust its energy portfolio by shifting to clean energy sources which will enhance sustainable economic growth without deteriorating the environment.