IBA CED organizes a fitness session for entrepreneurs
November 06, 2021: Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED), IBA organized an invigorating exercise session with aspiring and veteran entrepreneurs under its Entrepreneurship development Program.
The session was held on the expansive IBA grounds, followed by a nutritious breakfast. Two Professors from National University of Science and Technology (NUST), including Brigadier Junaid and Colonel Bill joined the audience and shared their thoughts about the entrepreneurship program. The session was graced by the presence of renowned entrepreneurs including Shahab Farid uddin, Mehmood Sahib, Faisal Hussain, and Khalid Rasheed, who shared their valuable experiences with the students. Principal instructor and Program Director, IBA-CED, Dr. Muhammad Shahid Qureshi thanked the guests and imparted lessons about the effectuation theory by Dr. Saras Sarasvathy.