Faculty Engagement | IBA faculty speaks at Women's Day event at Imtiaz HO
Dr. Nyla Aleem Ansari, Assistant Professor, Program Lead (MBA Executive) and Academic Director PGD (HRM), was invited to speak at the Women's Day event at the Imtiaz supermarket head office on March 8, 2021.
The event focused on women empowerment and overcoming stereotypical cultural as well as workplace mentality. She was asked to speak in detail about the various challenges faced by a working woman at the workplace. With more than 30 young women, between the ages of 25 and 35 in attendance, and occupying mid-managerial positions at Imtiaz, these women were eager to learn strategies to effectively maintain a healthy balance between their work and personal lives.
The session began with an ice-breaker, an image building exercise to relax their bodies and minds. This was followed by some very useful tips to analyze and value themselves. The women needed to realize that each individual was unique and their strategy to choose the direction of their lives would differ as per their own context, priorities and competencies.
While overcoming cultural barriers was a topic of discussion, the session also included some input on dress codes and physical appearance which was a concern. The women were of the view that it determined the outcome of an appraisal at times. A myth such as this needed to be debunked and Dr. Ansari appropriately provided advice to deal with such a situation.