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Research Publication
IBA visiting faculty investigates Gilgit-Baltistan issues relating to integration in Pakistan

Sajjad Ahmad's monograph titled, "The Gilgit-Baltistan Conundrum: Dilemmas of Political Integration" attempts to investigate the hurdles and complexities that the region of Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) is facing for its political integration in the state of Pakistan. Since the independence and subsequent accession of the region with Pakistan in 1947, the political and constitutional status of the region has been ambiguous. Successive governments in Pakistan have tried to regulate the issues periodically through reform orders, but the integration of G-B with Pakistan and representation in the national legislature is still open to question. Taking a historical approach, the study tries to explore the puzzle of G-B, fundamental issues of region's integration, autonomy and the struggle of its population for their political rights. The study explores the Gilgit-Baltistan conundrum, outlines the major hurdles in the political integration of G-B with Pakistan and proposes the way forward.
Academic Advancement
IBA visiting faculty awarded research fellowship by a German organization
Sajjad Ahmad, visiting faculty at Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts (SSLA) and Network Manager, Climate Change and Urban Violence Network at Karachi Urban Lab (KUL), IBA Karachi, has won a Cross Culture Programme Synergy fellowship by German organization, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, (Ifa). The main objective of this fellowship is to build academic partnership between German and Pakistan's academic institutions/organisations and initiate a joint research project through direct exchange between both organisations. The project on Urbanization-Mobility-Conflict will be jointly carried out by KUL and Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC), a Germany-based international thinktank. The project also aims to bring a German faculty member/researcher of Social Sciences to IBA to teach a course to the students of SSLA and seeking long-term partnership between both organisations.