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Research Publication
IBA faculty publishes paper on business model innovation
Dr. Kamran Mumtaz, Chairperson and Assistant Professor, Department of Management, IBA Karachi, has had his research paper on business model innovation and adoption of innovation accepted for publication in the Asian Journal of Management Cases (AJMC). The AJMC is an HEC-recognized Y-category journal and is indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.
Tetra Pak, a food packaging and processing company, had plans to introduce twenty-five dairy hubs across Pakistan by 2012. In order to assess the viability of the plan, it piloted two dairy hubs in 2009, developing one for Nestle and another one for Engro Foods. Each dairy hub consisted of a group of villages within 15-20 km radius. A dairy hub staff was appointed to provide focused trainings and other services to the dairy farmers in these villages. It was expected that these trainings and services would improve dairy yield (amount of milk produced) in the region. Improved yield would mean more milk for the dairy processors to package in material bought from Tetra Pak. After one year of operations, Tetra Pak wanted to analyze the improvements brought by dairy hubs and if the concept could be scaled to cover all of Pakistan.
The research paper describes the operations and performance of two pilot projects. It also highlights the differences in adoption of the concept by the two dairy processors and the challenges of scaling business model innovations.