The School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS) is an amalgamation of two academic departments and two research centers. The two academic departments are the Department of Economics and the Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts (SSLA), and the two research centers include the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) and Population Research Center (PRC).
The SESS has a faculty comprising of seasoned academics, out of which 37 faculty members have PhDs. The Economics department’s faculty employs diverse teaching and research methods in their scholarly work and is highly specialized in the fields of Development Economics, Applied Economics, Macroeconomics, Trade, Industrial Organisation, and Labor Economics. The Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts prepares students in a wide range of academic disciplines including Philosophy, History, Literature, Political Science, Urban Studies, Media Studies, Anthropology, and Journalism.
The CBER at SESS presents an opportunity to faculty and researchers at IBA to develop creative solutions and provide policy recommendations for pressing global issues. Through CBER’s projects and high international engagement, faculty and students from academic departments conduct research to stay up to date on innovative techniques and recent developments in their respective disciplines.The center conducts the Brown Bag Seminar Series monthly, in which faculty as well as students, are encouraged to present their latest work. The series provides a great platform for young researchers to get feedback from senior faculty members.
Three labs, i.e., Social Inequality Lab, Economic Growth and Forecasting Lab, and Psychology lab have been established recently to support students' and faculty's research.
The School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS) offers the students an academic exploration in disciplines of economics, social sciences, and humanities. These disciplines provide a strong foundation for higher studies and for integration in the contemporary world. We prepare our students for a wide range of career paths and acquaint them with different avenues of knowledge. Our pedagogical approaches align with modern universities, especially the courses in social sciences and humanities, which play a pivotal role in all programs across IBA.
All faculty members at SESS are dedicated to knowledge creation and classroom teaching. The faculty and students work together on different economic, societal, and ecological issues in a conducive environment. The faculty-student community at the school is very vibrant, they provide support to government departments in policies and planning, while analyzing social and cultural issues, global activities and their impacts.
Over time, we aim to expand our program offerings and electives to provide a broader choice to the students. MS Development Studies was launched this year after a careful process of designing the curriculum. I am incredibly impressed by the passion and enthusiasm shown by the faculty and students toward this program. We are privileged to have some exceptionally talented students studying at this Institute, some of them are from remote areas of Pakistan. They inspire us with their dedication, and we are confident that they will change the future. Read More
Dean, School of Economics and Social Sciences
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