School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS) and Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) is organizing the 2nd International Conference at IBA from 25th March to 27th March 2022. This conference will also provide early researchers to present their research through a poster competition and doctoral symposium
Doctoral Symposium
The aim of IBA's 2nd International Conference 2022 Doctoral symposium is to provide a conducive forum to PhD students and PostDoc researchers to present and exchange ideas with other researchers. It will help early career researchers in getting visibility of their work with feedback from experienced faculty. The most promising works will be awarded prizes.
Guidelines for participants:
- Please submit your proposals/papers on the conference website by 30th January 2022
- Submissions shall be made on the following link:
- The venue of the conference is IBA's Main Campus, and each participant is expected to be present there in person.
- The best works will receive prizes while each participant will get a certificate of participation.
- The paper must include:
- Motivation
- Problem description
- Background and Literature Review
- Research methodology
- Results obtained and work in progress
- Keywords and key references of the presented work
Poster Session
The theme of the conference is Development: Discourses and Critiques. As a part of this conference, a poster presentation session is also arranged for students at IBA. It is a platform where you can showcase your research in a creative way. You will get a chance to connect with well-known policy makers, academics, and researchers during the conference, and get feedback from experts.
Guidelines for participants:
- You are required to get you research idea/proposal approved first to get registered.
- The deadline to submit your research idea is 30th January 2022. The proposal should be submitted on the following link:
- The proposal should include:
- Motivation
- Problem description
- Background and Literature Review
- Research methodology
- Results obtained and work in progress
- Keywords and key references of the presented work
- You should start working on the poster presentation after getting approval. The poster is expected to be innovative consisting of infographics, charts, graphs, and data visuals. It should highlight your research question and findings explicitly. Please contact us if you need further guidance in this regard.
- Your poster should consist of four A4 size papers. You will be provided an easel board to display your work.
- You are expected to submit your final poster latest by 15th February 2022; however, you must submit the proposal at your earliest to get maximum time for poster preparation.
- The conference venue is IBA's Main Campus, and each participant is expected to be present there in person.
- The best posters will receive prizes while each participant will get a certificate of participation. Moreover, the selected posters will also be published in Economics Club Magazine at IBA and displayed on the Main campus for that semester.